Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Imagine the News

Jerusalem Temple Tribune – “Shepherds from Bethlehem Claim Angelic Appearance”

News has come from the region of Bethlehem that some shepherds are now claiming an appearance by an Angel to announce the birth of, as they put it, “A Savior who is the Messiah and Lord!”   The shepherds insist that while they were watching their flocks that suddenly there was a bright light and that a being, having the appearance of a man, told them not to be afraid and instructed them to go to a stable in Bethlehem where they would find this Christ child lying in a feeding trough.”   They further claim that they left their flocks (a violation of their profession) and went to Bethlehem and found a new born baby boy in a feeding trough, just as the angel had said.   Incidentally, they also claim the parents had just travelled from Nazareth for the required Roman census.

When the High Priest and Sanhedrin were asked to comment on this news, those who could be reached scoffed at these tidings stating:

·         Just like the similar report by Zacharias about a year ago, God no longer speaks directly to His people – He has entrusted that responsibility to us.

·         Think about it – would the Messiah actually come as an infant?  Would he be born in a barn and placed in a feeding trough?  Of course not!   And why would He be born in a place like Bethlehem?  At this observation one of the Scribes who asked that his name not be disclosed, did indicate from the prophet Micah, there was the mention that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem.

·         They concluded by asking us if there wasn’t any real news that we could devote our time to reporting?

In other "real" news a very bright object has been sighted in the night skies east of Jerusalem that seems to be moving.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Imagine the News
Jerusalem Temple Tribune – “Young Girl Claims Angel Appeared to Her”
A young girl of Nazareth recently returned from a 3 month visit to a cousin and was noted to be “with child.”   The family asked that their name not be referenced in this article as they are very embarrassed – not only that their daughter has become pregnant, but that the only reason she has offered is that an angel had appeared to her and told that even though she was a virgin, that she would give birth to a child who would be the “Son of God.”   Per the parents of the girl, “Our daughter has never done anything like this before, yet she persists to claim the reason given is true.”   Recall just a short while a Priest named Zacharias also claimed an angelic experience in the temple.
Our Nazareth correspondent interviewed her fiancé who indicated he was devastated and as shocked as everyone else.  He has indicated his desire to dismiss his wife-to-be without exercising his right to have her put to death for her indiscretion.  
A few days later, our Nazareth correspondent heard rumors that the fiancé is also now claiming to have been instructed by an angel in a dream that the young girl is telling the truth and that the son she will have should be named Jesus, because this child will save His people from their sins.  Further, the fiancé has now decided to take the young girl as he wife, despite the objections of his parents.
After bringing this information to the High Priest and Sanhedrin, this story is once again being dismissed, with the recommendation that parents not accept such ridiculous stories from their children or their friends.      

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Imagine the News

Jerusalem Temple Tribune – “Priest Unable to Speak About His Experience.”

Zacharias, who had been chosen for the great honor of over-seeing the incense offering emerged unable to speak.  Sources indicate he was in shock and had to be helped by those who had gathered to pray.  Later when he had collected himself, he asked for writing materials and indicated an angel named Gabriel had appeared to him with news concerning him and his wife Elizabeth having a son in their old age. Needless to say, this caused quite a stir among those worshipping at the temple, raising questions about this possibly being a prelude to the coming of the Messiah, as a forerunner was expected.

After consulting the high priest and other officials, the account is being dismissed as improbable due to the following facts:
  • The LORD has not communicated directly to his people in over four centuries.
  • Zacharias’ wife is so old, that she is no longer able to give birth to a child.
  • Zacharias must have been overwhelmed by his serving and is expected to fully recover from his so-called experience.
  • If the Messiah was to come shortly surely it would have been revealed to the High Priest and the other authorities.

Other Priests serving have been cautioned to not disturb the temple faithful and to maintain order as specified by those in authority.