Tuesday, April 15, 2014


The Answer is Time…
For those who believe that all there is of the universe(s) and the life that we know on earth came to be over an immense amount of time without any evidence of a guiding force or intelligent design, there is an incredible amount of faith demonstrated.  The fossil record still has not disclosed one solid example of a missing link and for lack of a better term, “Mother Nature” threw some random ingredients together and cooked up quite a dish, which simmered for billions of years.

The Bible is primarily a record of God’s plan for our salvation and a convincing demonstration of our tendency to disobey God (i.e., sin) and of our total inability to make ourselves acceptable to God apart from the forgiveness He has provided through Jesus.   The Bible simply states the fact that God created the heavens and the earth.  It does not specifically address the matter of time / when this creation happened.  But, consider this: God’s creation was perfect and God is eternal (He has always “been” – in fact He describes Himself as “I AM”).   So from a biblical standpoint when did time begin?   Adam and Eve were created perfect in the image of God and the whole concept of death (dying / separation from God) did not become a reality until the sin of Adam and Eve recorded in Genesis 3.  At that point, and not before, time became a reality for Adam and Eve.  So can science really rely on the assumptions made concerning time and the consistency thereof?    Remember that despite the advancements and technology available to scientists today, it still comes down to a faith decision.  Do you rely on the conclusions of other men, who suffer the same flaws of sin that you do, or on what God has chosen to reveal to us?

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