Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What Right did Peter Have to Make This Claim?
 “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.”   Acts 4:12

Transfiguration – each of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke) describe a time when Jesus took Peter and two of the other disciples up with Him on a mountain where suddenly Jesus became something other than just the earthly Jesus.  The writers describe His face shining like the sun, His clothing becoming white as light, and two others – Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke with Him.  Peter and the others also heard a voice coming from a cloud that overshadowed them saying, “This is by beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; listen to Him!”

The reaction of Peter and the two others was “they fell on their faces and were much afraid,” until  the Jesus they knew came and touched them and told them not to be afraid.  Peter would remind us of three important words that require our response – “Listen to Him!”.

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