Monday, November 25, 2013


What Proof Do We Have that Heaven Even Exists?

The best indication is the historical account of the resurrection of Jesus from the grave three days after He was put to death, which His followers celebrate at Easter.  Jesus spoke / foretold of the fact that He would be put to death and then rise from the dead.  His resurrection confirms for us that not only is there an existence beyond this life, but also that He did die in our place to satisfy the penalty of our sins and those of the world.   The resurrection of Jesus from the dead and His Ascension from the earth is the central point of our faith and hope in Heaven that distinguishes Christianity (following Christ) from all the other claims, promises and teachings of ALL the other religions / belief systems in this world.  Those leaders, whether they be Siddharta Gautama [Buddhism], Confucianism, Hinduism, Muhammad [Islam], Charles Taze Russell [Jehovah Witnesses], John Smith [Mormons], etc., made great claims, wrote accounts of how their followers should live, but they are all dead and buried.  Only Jesus substantiated His teachings with the power of His resurrection. 
Because Jesus lives, we have a sure and certain promise of eternal life.   It should be noted that other belief systems may deny that Jesus truly died and was resurrected, but history (both Biblical sources and non-biblical) provide overwhelming, compelling evidence that is beyond any doubt or contestation.  As an example from a biblical standpoint, under Jewish Law, something had to be corroborated by 2 or 3 witnesses to be considered as sufficient evidence.  The Apostle Paul‘s great summary on the truth of the bodily resurrection of Jesus in 1 Corinthians 15 mentions over 500 eye-witnesses of the resurrected Christ, many who were still alive at the time the letter was written.  And as you know there is no better proof than an eye-witness account and those who likewise were willing to give up their lives for the faith and hope they had in Jesus.  (Take a look at 1 Corinthians chapter 15.)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


If you've started watching the new series "Almost Human" on Fox, you may have noticed the main character, John Kennex,  saying, "They're in a better place" to answer the question, "What do you say to someone who has suffered the loss of a loved one who died?"  According to the character, "No one can really know."   Is that really the case or can we know? 

The answer to this question has far reaching implications and is the flip side of the question many have regarding the existence of Hell (see previous postings). Let’s look at what we need to understand about Heaven from a number of different vantage points.  (NOTE:  Several versions of the Bible will be quoted in future posts, under the assumption that the Seeker is not very familiar with the Bible.  The version was chosen which best conveys the message for the first-time reader. Certain portions of the text are presented in red for emphasis. However, if you have a Bible, read directly from it.)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hell and Jesus - What's Your Choice?
So what will you do with Jesus?  He made some extraordinary claims that, if honestly  considered, can ONLY lead to four possible conclusions:


  • Jesus was a Liar  (In John 14:6 Jesus said He is the way, the truth the life.  No one comes to the Father, except through Him. Consider His words and His actions.  Did His actions contradict or confirm what He said?)                                           
  • Jesus was a Lunatic. (Consider the consistency of His life and His teachings. Can you honestly conclude that He was delusional or insane?)
  • Jesus was a Legend.  (Too much proof to deny the historical Jesus, unlike Paul Bunyan and his ox, Babe! )
  • OR Jesus is Lord.     If true, then…
 Whatever your conclusion / choice, you can be certain that God will honor it.   So it is up to YOU; 
  • Not your parents – God does not have any grandchildren. 
  • Not the church you may attend or its teachings – a church can only point the way.
  • Not you being a member or being raised in a certain religion – God is not interested in the labels we place on ourselves.
  • Not your friends – God does recognize associations / acquaintances. 
You have either been adopted as one of His Sons or Daughters or you have not.  There is no middle ground, wiggle room or gray area here.

In summary, consider once again the two passages of the Bible this response began with, but this time personalize it – insert you own name in the blanks:
            “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that if _________ believes in
             Him  He/She will not perish but have eternal life.  God did not send His Son into the world
             to condemn it, but to save it.  There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him.  But
             those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of
             God.  Their judgment is based on this fact:  The light from heaven came down into the
             world, but they loved darkness more than light, for their actions were evil.”     
             John 3:16-19  New Living Translation

            “The Lord isn’t really being slow about His promise to return, as some people think. 
             No, He is being patient for __________’s sake.  He does not want ___________ to
             perish, so He is giving more time to repent.”      
             2 Peter 3:9  New Living Translation