indication is God allows and uses pain and suffering for a greater purpose and
that our focus should be "eternal," not just what's happening in the
"here and now."
Give some thought to the following observations:
are sometimes most prone to turning to God for help when they are in a time of
great need. Christ Tiegreen, the author of "Why a Suffering World Makes
Sense" expressed the matter this way:
God wants to be known and loved in all His
characteristics, of which forgiveness and deliverance are two of His core
characteristics / attributes. Without the context of a world in need with
hurting people, this would be difficult for us to comprehend. We can't know God
as a Forgiver, unless someone is in need of forgiveness. We can't know God as a
Deliverer, unless someone is captive and needs freed. The only way to know Him deeply
is in the midst of pain and suffering.
damage caused by the disease of leprosy is due to the total lack of any
sensation of pain. Thus any burning, freezing or scraping of skin continues
because the individual does not realize what's actually happening. In the case
of the leper, no pain means no response.
are often dramatically changed as a result of suffering or a painful
experience. Often a certain maturing or growth takes place. And when asked if
they had the choice, would they have bypassed the suffering and pain, most
answer no, because of what the experience had accomplished in them as
the discipline of a child by a parent. Sometimes it involves a little pain and
suffering, but it is done out of love, for the benefit of the child, in order
to motivate it to make better choices!
focus on pain, suffering and death that all tragically affect this life often
results in the individual missing a greater point. All of us will die. Some may
be able to somewhat affect the circumstances of their death, but for others it
will be totally beyond their ability to control, affect or prepare for. What
concerns God and should concern each of us is what lies beyond this life. Most
religions teach about an after-life and how to obtain it. The choice God
presents in His Word is heaven / eternal life for those who accept His gift of
salvation or hell / eternal suffering for those who reject it. Thus, God has
provided an eternal solution to pain, suffering and evil, that extends beyond
the confines of this life.