Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Right did Peter Have to Make This Claim?
 “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.”   Acts 4:12

Repeating - In some sense Peter is only expressing what he had heard Jesus say.  For example, in John chapter 14, verse 6, Jesus said “I am the [only] way, and the [only] truth, and the [only] life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” ([only] added for emphasis and to more closely convey the original meaning)

Quite a claim; very narrow and totally exclusive.  Taken on its own it could be disputed and regarded as dubious and highly unlikely.   But considered in the context that it was spoken by the One who gave sight to the blind, life to the dead, bread to the hungry and peace to a stormy world, it must be taken quite seriously.  Remember as well, this was the same One who told a lame man that his sins were forgiven and then lifted him to his feet to prove his ability not only the heal the physical manifestation of sin in this world, but also the ability to forgive that sin and remove the separation between us and God.

Peter knew it was one thing to make a claim, but quite extraordinary to back it up with acts of love, compassion and concern for the condition of those who heard Him.

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