Previous posting was on P - PRAYER. Adding on that subject I heard Dr. Tony Evans message on the radio where he indicated, Prayer is a demonstration of our Dependence on God, and while God knows what we will ask, He still wants us to ask before he will answer.
This week the letter E of PEACE:
E Expectation
– that word is not specifically used here, but it is implied in v5 "The
Lord is near." The word that Paul uses here has a dual
concept of nearness in terms of spatial distance (as in the presence of the Lord) and nearness in
terms of time (as in when the Lord returns).
Thus with the knowledge
that both of these facets are true, there is less for the believer to be
anxious about, because he or she is not alone in whatever they are
facing. The Footprints picture and story
serves as a reminder for us of the
truth that when we feel alone, in reality we’re not. The Lord knows, the Lord understands and He is acting as He knows best.